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As of February 1st, our LiveFyre commenting system will no longer be available. Some may have heard the news already but to those that have not here is the message from LiveFyre. Because of this i have begun a search for a new commenting system to install and the pickings are slim but have narrowed it down to a few. If possible i would like as much feedback on this as possible to make the transition to a new system more effortless. I have set up a poll on the bottom to gather votes on the different platforms available. Below are links to each commenting system so please take some time and review them, then vote on the one that you would prefer (please vote only once). If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail me or catch me when i am on. – Sergio
- Vicomi
- Disqus
- Intense Debate (Comments at bottom of page)
- Widgetpack
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