Here we are the very last game of the current NFL year, Super Bowl L. Not sure...
Schedule of Articles Fri. 2/5: NO ARTICLES, Links all day Sat/Sun. 2/6-7: Super Bowl Prediction by The Alienist Mon. 2/8:...
Schedule of Articles Thu. 2/4: NO ARTICLES, Links all day Fri. 2/5: NO ARTICLES, Links all day Sat/Sun. 2/6-7: Super...
. . Aaaaaand we’re back. Sort of. The 2016 NFL season is nearing completion,...
Schedule of Articles Wed. 2/3: AFCE Slick’s Weekly Overreactions by SlickVinny Thu. 2/4: NO ARTICLES Fri. 2/5: NO ARTICLES Sat/Sun. 2/6-7: Weekend...
Schedule of Articles Tue. 2/2: AFCE’s Archer Weekly by ArcherNoles1863 Wed. 2/3: AFCE Slick’s Weekly Overreactions by SlickVinny Thu. 2/4: NO ARTICLES Fri....
This column will be available for your pleasure every Monday. It will be dedicated to current news,...
Schedule of Articles Mon. 2/1: NFL Talk-Holding Nothing Back by Luciano11 Tue. 2/2: AFCE’s Archer Weekly by ArcherNoles1863 Wed. 2/3: AFCE Slick’s Weekly...
Schedule of Articles Sat/Sun. 1/30-31: NFL’s Dullest Weekend Mon. 2/1: NFL Talk-Holding Nothing Back by Luciano11 Tue. 2/2: AFCE’s Archer Weekly by ArcherNoles1863 Wed....
2015 has officially ended for our division, time to look at next year’s opponents and the strength...