S/R Staff

S/R Staff
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by Northshorepsbc

At 10:01 AM on August 24 the oldest age of TheSidelineReport posters increased to 57. Surprisingly this is not grumpy old CK, 1fish yelling at kids to get off his lawn, Thumbs putting bodies in cars or rcr hawking coffee beans (which we should all buy to make him feel better because Matt Moore is never going to play). In truth it is me, Northshore. I am so old that as a child I witnessed the Jets win a Super Bowl, as a young teen saw the perfect Dolphins give the raat an orgasm, viewed murderous running by a Bills back named after orange juice and saw many years of Patriot suckage.

Now as CJ and Slick can attest, the world’s smartest people are born in August so I thought I would impart some insightful wisdom on this blog to help the folks who were born in lesser months by giving my opinions on some subjects.

AFCE teams other than the Patriots :

It still all starts with having a QB. If you are really good in every other area you can be successful with an above average quarterback. If you are good in most areas you need a top 15 QB and if you are only good in some areas you need an elite QB.


Success – They have been extremely successful since 2001. Patriot fans – enjoy it. Haters – deal with it and for fans of other teams who recognize it even if they don’t like it (and there are many here) thank you.

Spygate happened. Whether it carried back before 2006 or whether other teams were doing the same thing before 2006 no one will ever know but it did happen in 2006. The NFL issued a memo saying stop filming from certain areas and you kept doing it. Because of this, your success and a host of other factors, other organizations and the NFL want to hang you which brings us to………


Ugh! What a grade-A cluster f***. At best (from Patriot perspective) Brady screamed at the full time guy, Jastremski after the jets game (why is it always the jets) when the balls were over the legal limit (how did the refs miss that) and he and the deflator felt obligated to take things in their own hands make sure the balls were at 12.5. At worst, Tom ordered the Code Red. As we all know, the Patriots, Brady, the NFL and everyone else involved have handled this as poorly as humanly possible. You can trust no one on any side in the media because they are being spoon fed info from their sources and are more interested in clicks than truth or accuracy. My take is that the balls were deflated (special science be damned) and that Brady knew at least Jastremski and talked to him. I agree he had general knowledge that these guys were supposed make sure the balls were at 12.5 he wanted. I hope that is all he knew (yeah, I am a fan.)

I could go on but Archer would demand I talk about Florida State and that would be intolerable. Speaking of Archer, thanks to him, Slick, CK and other article contributors. Cgc’s quick wit and Bpardo’s antics help keep this site enjoyable. Mikesfriedrice opinions are always interesting and I cannot leave out the other Bills boys, dud and nick (how ironic is it that a bills fan drafted the FF team with the most injuries?) or the other jet fan, iyced. All the other APFs are of course, superior including the Maine man, Noss. Oh and nobody writes more interesting posts than HotSauce, nobody. Oh, I almost forgot hooded which probably happened because he just makes good football points and we expect it.

Most importantly let’s not forget the guys who run this site, Luciano, (serviceable) Surge and the Hammer man, rcr. Thanks for a job well done.

Now if you will excuse me 1fish just called to tell me kids are running through my yard. “YOU DAMNED KIDS!!!”


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