We have members playing Fantasy Football in two different leagues.
The first is the Dynasty League that includes 10 of us. Each player can keep their roster (22 expanded to 26 in the off-season) yearly, with a rookie draft held every May.
The second one, we call it D League (because of the grades most players get), and it also includes some of the same players from dynasty. This league is a yearly re-draft.
Dynasty League Players……Defending Champ Belichick Yo’self
Evil Corp: the hooded genius
Tyrod’s Taylor: CJ
Smokin Jay’s – CGC5783
Who Wants a Mustache Ride: SlickVinny
Bison with a Dyson: Link
FSociety: Archer
DireWolves: Luciano
Keenan & Kelce: FinFan
Dud’s Studs:
Belichick Yo’self: Nossorc
D-League Players……..Defending Champ Dud’s Studs
Evil Corp: the hooded genius
Tyrod’s Taylor: CJ
White Walkers: Nikvoodoo
Smokin Jay’s – CGC5783
I Like Big TDs: Mars
You give me gase: Cacalle
DireWolves: Luciano
Dud’s Studs:
Liquor Box: Nossorc
BnB’s CTE Aspirantss: BadNewsBengal
Gronk’nInABrownCarr: TheAntiNoss
This week’s results and standings