Yup, I’m supposed to write about something this week…Hmmm…What to write…
How about this? The Pro Bowl happened last weekend and if I’m not mistaken, a Bills player was the defensive MVP. So yeah, at you’ve got that Bills fans. I’m guessing that the people of the Finger Lakes Region are hammered on wine and having delusions of defensive MVPs and playoff appearances.
What else, what else? Oh yeah, word out of the swamp is that Hackenberg has developed nicely behind the scenes. Yeah, like anyone outside of Jersey believes that. I heard the Jets also hired a couple of new coaches. With the leadership staying the same, this is very much like pissing in the wind.
And the Dolphins got convicted of cheating. Only the Fins could cheat their way to an 18 point loss. And someone said Tanny won’t need surgery, if anyone cares.
Now for the only team that actually matters this week, the Patriots. Surprise, surprise, nothing eventful happened during their bye week. Media day happened, or as they call it now “Opening Night” (which makes no sense) and nothing happened. The league was stupid and didn’t give the only quotable Patriot – Marty Bennett – a podium, so he didn’t get any high profile jokes in. Tom Brady’s dad called the Rog-Father some names and drunk Bobby Kraft crashed a few interviews.
God, let it be Sunday already.