Schedule of Articles Tue. 2/9: AFCE’s Archer Weekly by ArcherNoles1863 Wed. 2/10: AFCE Slick’s Weekly Overreactions by SlickVinny Thu. 2/4: NO ARTICLES, Links...
It is a sad time of the year. Football is over and for the next month until...
Joke of the Week Bart Scott Scott, who now works for CBS, took a...
Schedule of Articles Mon. 2/8: NFL Talk-Holding Nothing Back by The Alienist Tue. 2/9: AFCE’s Archer Weekly by ArcherNoles1863 Wed. 2/10: AFCE Slick’s...
Here we are the very last game of the current NFL year, Super Bowl L. Not sure...
Schedule of Articles Fri. 2/5: NO ARTICLES, Links all day Sat/Sun. 2/6-7: Super Bowl Prediction by The Alienist Mon. 2/8:...
Schedule of Articles Thu. 2/4: NO ARTICLES, Links all day Fri. 2/5: NO ARTICLES, Links all day Sat/Sun. 2/6-7: Super...
. . Aaaaaand we’re back. Sort of. The 2016 NFL season is nearing completion,...
Schedule of Articles Wed. 2/3: AFCE Slick’s Weekly Overreactions by SlickVinny Thu. 2/4: NO ARTICLES Fri. 2/5: NO ARTICLES Sat/Sun. 2/6-7: Weekend...
Schedule of Articles Tue. 2/2: AFCE’s Archer Weekly by ArcherNoles1863 Wed. 2/3: AFCE Slick’s Weekly Overreactions by SlickVinny Thu. 2/4: NO ARTICLES Fri....