I’m refraining from calling this a “prediction” piece this season. Predictions indicate one firmly believes something will happen and isn’t afraid to stand behind that judgment. In the NFL, nothing is certain except Roger Goodell’s poor judgment. That said, I’ll offer some form of prognostication, even if it’s lighthearted and not entirely...
The spot light will be on Western New York as the defending Super Bowl Champion New England...
Schedule of Articles ➢ AFCE Links @ 7:30am Mon-Sat 10:00 am daily (during the season) ➢ Mon. CJ’s-The...
Schedule of Articles ➢ AFCE Links @ 7:30am Mon-Sat 10:00 am daily (during the season) ➢ Mon. CJ’s-The...
Boom week 3 is in the books. We’ve got two undefeated teams and two completely defeated teams. Also, AB...
Schedule of Articles ➢ AFCE Links @ 7:30am Mon-Sat 10:00 am daily (during the season) ➢ Mon. CJ’s-The...